Sunday, November 23, 2008

Amebiasis / Amoebiasis Help

Amebiasis refers to the presence of parasite in the large intestines. This parasitic infection may occur in any age group. The parasite may be present without the affected person experiencing any signs and symptoms of the disease, but person is liable to infect others. If there is sufficient numbers of parasites and enough damage has been done to the lining of the intestine, then the disease usually shows up as an amebic dysentery.

* Blood or mucoid diarrhea.
* Fever.
* Chills.
* Abdominal discomfort.
* Painful enlargement of the liver if this organ is affected.

* Dehydration.
* Liver abscess.
* Brain involvement.

* It is caused by Entamoeba histolytica, a parasite which invades the tissues of the intestines. If one member of the family has been found to be harboring the parasite, it is best to check other members of the household since the parasite may exist in the intestines without any signs and symptoms. These persons usually act as 'carriers' of the disease and are the usual sources of the parasite.

What you can do
* Consult a doctor if you have a diarrhea with mucoid or bloody stools.
* Follow and complete the treatment prescribed by the doctor even if the signs and symptoms disappear. Incomplete treatment will usually lead to a recurrence of the disease and besides, a person who does not complete the treatment may again act as a 'carrier' of the disease.

What your doctor can do for you
* Perform a stool examination to confirm the diagnosis of amebiasis.
* Perform a proctosigmoidoscopy to asses the extent of damaged large bowel.
* Prescribe the appropriate medicines.

Prevention tips
* Boil water for drinking if the quality of water in your area is poor.
* Wash hands thoroughly after visiting toilet and before preparing food.
* Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before using them in salads or for cooking.
* Cover food to avoid contamination by flies.
* Avoid buying food from ambulant vendors or small sidewalk stalls.
* Do not use human waste as fertizer for crops.

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